That Tuesday's moon. Such beautiful colour, simple yet you could see more than just black and white. It's more than anyone could even imagine. Just like a candle shone brightly in the darkness. It reminds me of you. Among the crowd, you are that special one, the one with colours while others are dull.
No point of me shedding tears, knowing that I can never be with you or should I say, never see you again. Yet I still need to finish my journey ahead of me with my own two legs. Alone isn't the problem, it is what the road ahead of me, covered by that thick layer of fog. It just blinded me, as if I'm covered by a blindfold. I stood that shivering. To tell you the truth, I am afraid of the past. Scared of turning back, I shall walk the road ahead of me. I had learned something "They said life is all about loss but it is not an excusses to destroy yours."
All I could do is write down my feelings...
I hardly knew the real you or even see you, still I love you.
The past few days, I have trying to find an excusses for myself not to love you. Trying to deny it, in the end I still found the foolish and naif part of me loved you deeply.
They said love makes you care for others but not yourself; Cry for others but not yourself. Selfishly loved you with love which is more than love. Only love me and only me, I would return your love to you only and no one else.
My love, it makes me want to give you my heart and soul to you rather than keeping it inside. Love makes me want to share my life with you. Unfortunately, I couldn't really write the full meaning of my love towards you. The real feeling towards you, I couldn't even express it.....
Every single moment, I tried to deny it. Yet every second you would appear in my head. Everything I do, everything I see, it's you I saw. There isn't anyday I never thought about you.....
happy bday, I wish for your happiness...