I read a book called "Who move my cheese?". Well, it's a great book about life. My brother advise me to read it, learn about it. He said it was a great book that even everyone could connect to it. And it did... Just that we did not realize till you read it. I did too.
Life kept on changing and we have to change too. Not our personality but our way of life. Our attitude, our job, our relationship, our career and others. It changes, we have to adept to them cause the world would not follow you. The future is in your hands...
Well, my favorite phrase is "what will you do if you are afraid?". Think about it.
Life is freaking sucks...... Well, I have decided to go for architecture. Time to study *sob* Well, I think why not study than work first. Since my brother said studying is much more better than working. Maybe it's true. Studying only worried about your studies better than working, worrying about money. Lol... so its study first! But 7 years seems soo long yet I still don't mind =D its still better than stressing yourself for money.
Well, I today visited my friend for raya. It was my first time visiting friend for raya in my life. Sad.. What a failure I am! Oh my gosh, I started playing some childhood games like "L.O.C.K LO" something like tat. The end I kept losing cause I laughed too much till I couldn't say a word and my tummy hurts soo badly. Aww, his cat is so dam cute! Soo adorable, it makes me wanna hug him soo badly. Lol, btw I'm cat lover! His cat is super lazy like pig! Hah, all cats are, my cat also same.
Now, I stressed myself to do my homework which I forgot and haven't done in this holiday! Crap, time past soo fast. School is gonna reopen! Help me.... I still have 6 moral esseys and 3 Malay esseys to do plus punishment for bullying my teacher(I did not do anywrong, it was cause by my stupid classmates) 30+ pages of Malay workbook. Seriously dam..... **** Haix, what to do, don't pass up will give more homework. Bloody teacher!!!!! I just hope that my exam I could get all A except my chines and malay. Wish my luck! Crappy..... =(