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Thursday, October 30Y

My cute-cute friend wrote a poem during the exam:

There's a naked man opposite my school,
He walked sleepily out,
took a cup of water and
poured it on a cat's back.

He took a baldi and
threw it at the cat,
Its like he doesn't own this cat,
The cat walked angrily away.

He took off his sarung,
just like there's nobody seeing,
There came 3 other men,
And I saw a furless dog,
keept barking at the men.

It sounds abit like the poem we studied. She was laughing during exam and kept smiling at me during exam. She said she just wrote what she saw.

ends at 10/30/2008 10:59:00 PM

Tuesday, October 28Y
Hit me in the head!

Lol... = =" just my imagination. Take off your slipper and smack me in the head!

Yip! I think too much. My mom isn't! I knew it by yesterday night. Err.. I sorta forgot the situation but! I knew my mom isn't =P she cant lie properly one. I just remember I talking about my mom will she sign a.. *forgot what it call le* It's a contract that a man give his wife to sign before married so that if devoice the wife only take a certain amount of money (means only very little). That contract =X. My dad say he din't call my mom sign cz tat time he also no money and also even giv her sign she also sure sign one cz she also doono wad izzit. My mom said "Yalo. Who ask me that time I'm soo in love" Lol! =X dam funny. Phew!! Really made me can't stop thinking she with another man. I just glad it's just all in my head. ^^" After we went shopping for food then my mom want to get supper. @_@" Wow! She's been saying want to slim down and it's been a long time she said she want to eat supper. X)

I also rmb last Sunday, cause my relative came back so I have to sleep in my mom's room. Tat morning I'm super lazy to get up so I lie on the mattress. =X My dad call me to get up but I act asleep (I was half asleep too). Then he giv up then he call my mom to get up. She also lazy, my mom then call my dad wait awhile lor. Then my dad kiss my mom >"< Yee!! I din't see a but oni hear =( But sound soo sweet =S....

I think the reason why she's weird for the past 4 days cause...! My relative came back. They love to talk talk talk talk talk. I think she doesnt feel comfortable to talk to them tat much. To tell u a secret! My mom don't really like them because they love to compare their children with me. (not all of them n I also kinda hate it cause I don't get good result but I still don't care ppl saying bad about me) Well, I think cause she's been the only girl in her family and she had small family so she is not used to it.

Ahh! Lol.. have those crazy thoughts for few days, now feel dam stupid about it le... ^^

Woot~ My cousins came back! Soo much fun. They dam lame la. Cz I too free go play sims2 and one of my cousin saw. He want to play. He say try to kill the ppl. He said he last time let them starve to death. I say try fighting n hiting each other to kill each other. Lol, then my uncle came n my brother came with 3 other cousin standing behind watching = -". Starting is argue then insult then poke. After poke got slap then everyone say "SLAP HIM!" Then after that got fight. They became more excited @_@". Lol.. Seriously, you cant even believe it! It's like they r watching football. WTH. My uncle said "Even better than W.O.W." *sweat* The end cant kill by fighting, =( and the child is super sticky till green gases come out. One of my cousin say "Wow, produce green house gas" - -" lame...................

=D I really enjoy this holiday ^^ without studying~

ends at 10/28/2008 05:41:00 PM

Sunday, October 26Y

CRAP LA!! Why do I have this thinking now?? - -" IM HAVING EXAM. Dont need this things to distruct me la...
=( Is my mom having... Err.. affair?

Dam la.. I saw a msg that is in the outbox. It write:
I know you saw my msg but atless call me when you are fine.
(smth like tat) N normy is a gal or boy name?

I need someone to say that I'm just crazy. Dam la, why did I think that way? I cant even sleep properly. Somehow I think it is but I dont think it is cz maybe I think too much. I really don want this things to happen. As I know my father really love my mummy. Sumtimes they argue but its like argueing for fun. @_@" I don't really know how to explain. They would laugh after that. When we travel to KL, and when there's a very romantic song came out and they both knew the song in the radio. My dad would reach his hands to my mom and hold her hands. Aw... soo romantic! But I'm just afraid things would happen between them and they just don't tell me. Haix... Pls someone, tell me to stop thinking.......

ends at 10/26/2008 12:58:00 PM

Saturday, October 11Y
Am I silly enough to laught at myself?

I'm just not real. I'm just words behind a person screen yet others are same to me. Everyday, I would see myself how stupid am I to take it that serious. So, I left that place, I just wish I would never return and hope I would laugh at it in the future.

Here it goes:
Since I left there, I wish I would not turn back but sometimes I do dream I would. Even for just for awhile, I would like to just dream about it. Hahah… I’m just a dreamer dreaming something ridicules and stupid. I have to wake up from there to move to a new place because dreaming is something unreal. It only works in ones mind and not others.

Friends in the past, I still remember, I still can’t forget. They been there for me even though I’m just giving stress to them but they stood by me as I would do to them. Even it’s just words but they understood me. Just words, a little smile and a cheer would brighten up my day. Sometimes I do thank them all the little things they have said to me because it leads to something big to my real life.

Even I’m trying to avoid the past but I still do carry the things I have learned and value it. It’s so much that I couldn’t list it out or even explains it in words. Sometimes I wish I could just go back there once more to say thanks for the experience but I still can’t do tat yet. So, I still need to keep going till I reach a point which I could turn back laughing at my past.

Something just happen in fantasy, nobody would believe in me. Even my friends or family, it’s just something that they would laugh at me. I still can’t say I’m stupid or anything because it becomes part of my life already. I couldn’t tell anyone about it but to put it into words to show how I really felt. It is secret I couldn’t tell anyone because it isn’t real at all…

Sometimes we have to wake up even though we don’t want to. It would not help if you only stick your mind in the past and not letting it go. Things would never change even though you just sit there. Just moving on and accept that things have changed. The world change and we just have to follow it.

ends at 10/11/2008 07:20:00 AM

Friday, October 10Y

Dam **** UP!!! On Tuesday one of my friend kept ignore me. Wtf.... Cause I din't go for tuition you treat me like that? Common la I aready apologize, what else you want from me? I went to school she ignore, fine it's ok. Then during recess I apologize, she ignore. Dam la her make me no mood. If she dont wan to talk to me fine, like she's what? She can ignore I also can. I'm not going to beg for her. I have much better friends than her. Seriously, I hate these peoples. A little small thing get angry for what? Not like I did a cruel thing to you. Even if I did, we are friends right? We forgive and forget.... Dam you! Then that night she sms me "Can I go your house do project?" - -".... What the hell....

ends at 10/10/2008 03:15:00 PM

Izzit pretty?

My little.... Uh.. mei? Aw.. @@ Thank her for the pic? She did smth that made me gone angry at her. Well, I forgive her =X and the pic look soo cute!! =)

ends at 10/10/2008 02:35:00 PM

Friday, October 3Y

I read a book called "Who move my cheese?". Well, it's a great book about life. My brother advise me to read it, learn about it. He said it was a great book that even everyone could connect to it. And it did... Just that we did not realize till you read it. I did too.
Life kept on changing and we have to change too. Not our personality but our way of life. Our attitude, our job, our relationship, our career and others. It changes, we have to adept to them cause the world would not follow you. The future is in your hands...

Well, my favorite phrase is "what will you do if you are afraid?". Think about it.

Life is freaking sucks...... Well, I have decided to go for architecture. Time to study *sob* Well, I think why not study than work first. Since my brother said studying is much more better than working. Maybe it's true. Studying only worried about your studies better than working, worrying about money. Lol... so its study first! But 7 years seems soo long yet I still don't mind =D its still better than stressing yourself for money.
Well, I today visited my friend for raya. It was my first time visiting friend for raya in my life. Sad.. What a failure I am! Oh my gosh, I started playing some childhood games like "L.O.C.K LO" something like tat. The end I kept losing cause I laughed too much till I couldn't say a word and my tummy hurts soo badly. Aww, his cat is so dam cute! Soo adorable, it makes me wanna hug him soo badly. Lol, btw I'm cat lover! His cat is super lazy like pig! Hah, all cats are, my cat also same.
Now, I stressed myself to do my homework which I forgot and haven't done in this holiday! Crap, time past soo fast. School is gonna reopen! Help me.... I still have 6 moral esseys and 3 Malay esseys to do plus punishment for bullying my teacher(I did not do anywrong, it was cause by my stupid classmates) 30+ pages of Malay workbook. Seriously dam..... **** Haix, what to do, don't pass up will give more homework. Bloody teacher!!!!! I just hope that my exam I could get all A except my chines and malay. Wish my luck! Crappy..... =(

ends at 10/03/2008 11:11:00 PM