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Thursday, November 13Y

Hmm... I had a fight with my friend. Arhhhh, its been a very stressful time for me. Sigh. It started when we were playing some board game. Then she won so I dont really care but then her attitude. Wth, I play till I couldnt stand and lost my head. I just coundt take her attitude like tat anymore. It's been half a year I friended her and I cant take ppl bossing me around like she's always right n Im wrong. Therefore I couldn't hold on these thoughts and again I cry. It's dam embarrassing. Sigh, then I decided I want to go home. My friend helped me cause I dont really have the face to ask permission, so she helped out. On our way to the phone, we past the art class(club) then my friend push me in. I usually go to art class to lepak so its quite normal the teacher to see me there. I asked him borrow me his phone to make a phone call to my mum. But then, my mom don't let me go back. She said she will come to my school n see me oni then go to work. Walau!!! That whole day I dont wan to go back class at all. So dam pissed at her!! Zzz my friend keep saying its only a game but its not just the game, its HER!! How am I suppose to tell her? I would hurt her feeling. BUT I have been tolerating for soo long and my bubble finally burst. Dammit la. This morning I decided not to go back class till the end of the day. Heck care write I ponteng, its almost the last day. Well, I almost did but I have bio class and that teacher sure come to class.(She's the student affair teacher) I came in late to class and she question me. I was like "Crap... What should I say? That I stayed at art class n get the teacher in trouble?" Lucky I got away. =X I told a few white lies saying I was actually at the lab but nobody came so I went to find my friend. Phew! I was soo relief when she said "You may take your site now." After the end of the class, my friend came to appologise to me and I did too. I only appologise about my anger that morning but I still cant really forgiv her attitude.

ends at 11/13/2008 02:03:00 AM

Friday, November 7Y

Finally its over!! =X Bye bye exam.... ^^ but the result sucks. Oh well, I just close my eyes.

Yesterday my parents kept on argueing - -" about a worker. They always do tat cause of work one but this sounds soo seriously cause its the first time I really hear every single word they said. They were like shouting here n there n I just sat infront of them. O.O" After argueing they just went silences. For a few seconds later they will be laughing n I stood there saying "What the heck??" After a few laugh they would argue again n laugh again. I feel soo lame but atless they din't take it soo seriously. Sometimes if they argue I'm kinda worried n sad cause what happen if it lead to a fight? I don't want my parents to split. I care for them too much =(

Ps: YEAAAAA HOLIDAY.. but BOOOOO~ next year SPM.

ends at 11/07/2008 06:37:00 PM