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Saturday, January 24Y

Hmm.. I think I better write it now if not Chinese New Year I don't have time for myself.

Actually I hated my class though, they are so rude and doesn't show respect to teacher at all. Haix, I will bare it for one year!!!(I want to transfer school) Besides being in class, I loved being a senior though. It just felt so great, actually I no longer felt embarrass being infront of crowds because I'm the oldest there. I'm able to go places where students aren't allowed to. Like recess, some areas aren't allowed but I usually go there. XD Well, I'm a prefect and my best friend is busy doing her work so I always walk alone though but it is still fun. I get to be alone once in awhile. But still, all I could think of is studying and homework.

January is sports month, so I had to stay back for sport practice but among 4 days I only went 1 time and got punish to run the field 10 laps. Zzzz... Cause that practice falls on my tuition day, exactly on that date!!! And I just cured from my flu, I got sick after running the field and I got sick till now! It's horrible! On that day of sports practice, I was actually alone. -.-" All my friends aren't the same team as me so I studied the whole time. Out of the blue, my old friends called me to sit with them. (Old friends cause I stop mixing with them cause I don't really feel comfortable being with them) Well, when I was in primary 4, 5, 6 and secondary 1, you can say that I mixed with the wrong group of people. They are quite rude so I don't really like it but after being with them for that afternoon, I come to realize everyone is actually the same. They are actually nice to me which I can't believe it! I always thought of them that they are bad people. >_<

Oh ya, somehow I feel my friends are more nice to me. One of my friend love to tease me but helped me alot. He also belanja me drinks and watermelon! My last year classmate also smile at me and complimented at me cause I changed alot. (I usually don't like him cause I get this feeling he hates me) Another friend, she always laugh at my action and we would always go to the club house to play. Well, now I'm glad that I kept no secret between my best friend. She's always makes me happy whenever I see her. ^^ Since secondary 1 I have known her and she's the only friend I ever trust before... Actually it feels great I can trust someone......

ends at 1/24/2009 11:34:00 PM

I just simply love the view!

Looks like heaven to me (Australia)My favorite picture!!

ends at 1/24/2009 11:21:00 PM