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Tuesday, April 28Y

For the past few days :
- made a new friend which is my sis's pengerusi(president)
- my best friend and my friend are cool now
- It's dam freaking awkward seeing them together
- lost my hp and actually I left it at tuition
- Got free drinks from teacher to help him buy food. LOL!
- Stupid teacher introduce me to another teacher to help her
- freaking addicted to Final Fantasy
- Exam is coming soon....

Last friday after school we went to eat lunch with CW, TS, my bestfriend's bro(Richard) and my bestfriend's bro's friend(CF). After lunch we walk to CF's house then they start to sing karaoke. CW and CF left the room so I follow them then left the president inside with TS n Richard (they paktou) - -" the president came out cz he felt dam awkward. After that nobody dare to go in.. AWW... CW tired to go in but she just open abit then she close the door and came to us. She said she saw smth tat she shouldn't see. I tot WTF... they kissing a? but she say no, they just very very close to each other. YEW... I felt disgusting..

ends at 4/28/2009 09:24:00 PM

Saturday, April 11Y

Found inside my computer, forgot to post it. It suppose to be on 1/1/2009 :

Surprisingly it’s been a year; it just felt like 2 years had past. There’s soo many things happening, sometime I even forgot where I am and who am I. I sat down and think, I still could remember those things that I thought it were 2 years ago. A year changed me soo much, it was quite difficult for me but it was still enjoyable. I was able to be someone soo different that I never thought I could. (if you don’t understand sorry >.<) I learned soo much…. To be strong when you are weak, always being true to yourself and know what I want. Somehow I just forgot my oldself. I’m just half a person I used to be… Don’t need to feel sad for me cause it’s a new year, a new life, a new day to start my own path.

ends at 4/11/2009 11:13:00 PM

She knew I know about her thing but she accept him....... WALAU.
She dont even know the first rule of friendship:
1. NEVER, I mean NEVER date ur friend's siblings

I know its none of my busnisess but my best friend is in a very horrible mood. How am I suppose to comfort her. One time she said "Its none of ur business." Zzz, seeing her like tat how am i suppose to have mood. I can't even tell anyone about this problem then made me quarrel with my mom till she cry n my sis too. Blah, I dont even feel sry for tat. I just dont giv a dam anymore.

ends at 4/11/2009 11:13:00 PM

Friday, April 10Y

Pissed off....
Now my friend(Ts)giving this cold feeling towards me.
- Act like Im not there
- Don't talk to me at all
- Talk to another person but don't want me to listen
- I ask her can I hear or not she say why should u hear my secret when u dont share urs.
WTF. Like I did smth wrong.
Ts says that I'm keeping a secret from her. How can I tell her?
- My best friend(Sena) told me I cant tell her
- My other friend(Cw) also say I better not tell her

The whole week she's been acting cold towards me. EVERYDAY I SEE HER, School/Tuition.
How can I put up to this? I'm FKING stuck at the middle.

I'm DAM sick of acting as nth happen. I just want to tell her n everything just disapear. Walau, the burden is on me? I dont even care about this situation anymore.

ends at 4/10/2009 01:41:00 PM

Sunday, April 5Y


My best friend's bro wanna chase my friend
- She's my best friend's friend too
- She's older than him
- He just bored not having gf
- I wanna slap him cz he is like my bro to me
- I dont know what else to say
It's not my busness so I'm not going to get into it


My friend too is sorta interested in him
- I know she only admire him but not more than tat
- It's like someone to look up to
I just wish this never happen n he would wake up fast

ends at 4/05/2009 07:48:00 PM